Monday, May 31, 2010

John Strand visiting Brazil. Join him for dinner on June 7 in Sao Paulo

Once again John Strand is visiting us here in Brazil, and of course, I will arrange a dinner presentation with him.

Time is short but the content is good.

John was invited to speak at the Informa MVNO summit this week, and has already met operators. The MVNO issues are getting hotter, and most operators are now drafting the plans on how to approach the opportunity. But, in Brazil there are snakes in Paradise, and John will also look a the pit falls that companies might fall into when approaching the MVNO opportunity here.

Besides that, John is bringing news from other areas as well.

- Mobile Broad Band
- Next Generation Pre-paid
- Mobile VAS

You can also refer to John's own release hereunder.

The dinner will held on Monday, June 7, in Itam-Bibi, Sao Paulo.

Consagrado Bar e Restaurante
Rua Bandeira Paulista 812
Itaim Bibi - Sao Paulo

There is no entrance fee.
Food and beverage is "al a carte".

Time: 19:30h

I am looking forward to see you there.

If you want to participate, please mail me on

My very best regards, Jesper Rhode


News clipping with John appearance in the press lately:


Extract from John Strand's newsletter about the visit to Brasil:

John Strand will visit Brazil from May 24th to June 8th, to speak at a conference and hold a number of workshops

I will soon be returning to Brazil for my 16th visit. Having now held workshops for most of the mobile operators in the country, I feel that Strand Consult has a very good understanding of the Brazilian Telecom market and how it is developing.

The reason for my return to Brazil this time, is that I will be speaking about opportunities on the MVNO market on a conference and I will be holding a number of workshops for some of the new players on this market.

Knowledge is the path to success - we can offer you that knowledge and you have the will to succeed

Today Strand Consult has four focus areas that we have described in a series of reports. Our primary customers are over 160 operators around the world. Our four focus areas are:

  1. The MVNO market, what it looks like and how it is developing. Strand Consult has the world's largest MVNO market research centre and has published numerous reports and workshops that greatly increase the probability of achieving success on this market.

  2. Mobile broadband. The mobile broadband market is the fastest growing market in the history of the mobile industry. We have analysed and describe this market in a series of reports and can answer many of the questions that market players have regarding how to develop and implement a successful mobile broadband strategy.

  3. Next Generation Prepaid. Many mobile operators are currently seeing their prepaid business case developed negatively. Decreasing prices, lower termination revenue and problems with customers using multiple SIM cards and increasing churn is resulting in a business case that once was a goldmine, moving in a seriously negative direction. We have analysed the prepaid markets around the world and have the necessary knowledge for operators to launch the Next Generation Prepaid.

  4. Mobile VAS. The mobile services market is a vast area. What started with premium SMS is developing into a very fragmented market, where the mobile Apps that are being sold bypassing mobile operators are getting a great deal of attention, while many are overlooking the many opportunities to create revenue from other services. We have described this market in a series of reports and have some serious propositions on how to achieve success on the mobile VAS market.

Today Strand Consult is considered to be one of the most prominent market players within telecom market analysis and for providing specialised knowledge about today's telecom industry and how it is developing. For the past 15 years we have specialised in delivering high end information to telecom operators on the CxO and board of directors level across the whole world - including a number of players in Brazil.

Strand Consult currently has over 160 mobile operators worldwide in our customer base and additionally all the most significant technology companies in this industry. The operators are our most important target group and our main company vision is to deliver the necessary knowledge that an operator needs to be able to navigate this industry, where many technological providers have an amazing ability to hype new technology without examining the underlying business models.

And there is no doubt that we are good at what we do. We have a unique track record in predicting the future and have very often been the first in the industry to spot new technologies and trends that have gone on to greatly influence the telecom industry.

Personally I believe that there are a number of exciting things happening in Brazil, on the other hand there are a great number of factors that will influence how the market and business sector develops in the future. If you would like to read some more background information about me, please click here: .

Yours sincerely
John Strand

About me:

Encontro com Jeffrey Cole

Para atender a pedidos, depois da visita no ano passado, organizamos a volta do diretor do "Center for the Digital Future", Jeffrey Cole, para discutir com players importantes de nosso mercado sobre as novas tendências no mundo das mídias.
Sendo conselheiro para o Governo Bill Clinton e Barac Obama, o Jeffrey esta participando em muitos fórum e discussões onde o futuro das medias esta sendo formado com governos e mega-empresas.
Entre os assuntos que os Jeffrey esta trazendo esta:
- O Futuro da TV.
- As mídias atuais podem desaparecer durante a atual transformação?
- Qual ver ser a característica da publicidade daqui para frente?
- Como a Time Shift TV pode mudar o eco-sistema da publicidade?
- Qual é o futuro para TV móvel?
- Como ver ser a transformação dos jornais?
- Como esta o futuro da industria de Musica?
- O que as emissoras podem fazer para acompanhar as mudanças?
A biografia do Jeffrey:
A Ericsson esta oferecendo isso como um ponto de inspiração para formação de estratégia para um mercado em transformação cada vez mais rápido.
O Jeffrey estará no Rio de Janeiro nos dias 8 e 9 de Junho e em São Paulo nos dias 10 e 11 de Junho.
Se você tiver interesse me comunique o mais rápido possível.
Abraços, Jesper Rhode

Monday, May 10, 2010

Buying in Adroid Market

If you use your Android phone in a place where the Android market is limited, and where no commercial Android applications are available, try to get hold of a SIM card from the UK or USA. Even if the SIM card has no roaming, it will unlock the paid applications in Android market, and give you access to the commercial part. Lots of good stuff in there.